Saturday, June 12, 2010

Happenings before the wedding...

In terms of a hen's night/stag party, there is nothing definite planned and we will leave it to our friends. It will be a bit difficult to involve everyone, since a lot of people are arriving just the day before the wedding, but whoever wants to join is welcome.

Now when it comes to the day before the wedding (Friday), the Greek custom has it that the families of bride and groom have their separate preparty/gathering at the respective family's house/venue, which only friends and family of each side can attend. However, we decided to change the tradition and gather both sides together for the preparty, since it will be an excellent opportunity to introduce the various guests to each other. The preparty will take place at Symposion in Neoi Poroi (about a 100m from my parents' place) in a relaxed ambience. There will be food and music.Attendance starts from 21:00 o´clock.

Since it is a more relaxed occasion than the wedding, there is no dress code, everything will be quite informal.


  1. good notice, but I was confused who the "I" was, but I figured it out later when read "in Mika's case...". German correctness, sorry ;)) /marcus

  2. Hihi, well spotted Marcus! I've been trying to keep it to a "we" but the separate stuff is making it a bit difficult. Feel free to fire away if sth is not clear;)
